

Mendeley is an education and reference program specially dedicated to academics as well as researchers. Developed by Mendeley Ltd., it enables you to store, organize documents and even collaborate with others online.


Mendeley is an education and reference program specially dedicated to academics as well as researchers. Developed by Mendeley Ltd., it enables you to store, organize documents and even collaborate with others online.

This academic social network also updates users when fresh research is added. It provides citation plug-ins for word processor tools like Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, BibTeX and supports thousands of citation styles — you can create your own as well.

What is Mendeley used for?

Mendeley creates a personal library to store all your research which then makes multiple long and complex documents easy to search. It allows you to annotate documents as you read and share them with other users for collaborative note-making. When a document is stored, the reference manager also captures key information such as author, title, and publisher which enables it to generate an instant bibliography.

With 2GB of free and secure cloud storage, the library is easily accessible from anywhere. Further features include a web importer to add articles, and a citation plugin compatible with most word processing software that generates instant citations as you write. On its desktop version, you will be able to import, organize, and add extra content to your PDF with much ease.

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