
ABC Fun is like an after-school special that comes to life!


ABC Fun is like an after-school special that comes to life!

This design features cute animals like an elephant, unicorn, dinosaur, whale and many more, and of course, letters that make learning the alphabet a fun adventure for kids of all ages.

Perfect for anyone that wants to work on a fun project and will look splendid in any nursery, toddler room or playroom!

ABC Fun is a very basic program that helps young children learn to identify letters. There’s not much to it, but it’s easy and fun to use.

The program’s interface consists of a large blank space in the middle with the letters of the alphabet down each side. Users either click on a letter with the mouse or touch the letter on the keyboard, and an object that starts with that letter appears in the middle of the screen. An excited-sounding woman’s voice speaks along with it, saying, for example, “A is for apple!”

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